LISTEN | Extreme weather could put SA's food and water security at risk, says climatologist

25 November 2019 - 13:14 By Paige Muller
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Beaufort West in the Western Cape is experiencing a severe drought – the worst to hit the town in 100 years.
Beaufort West in the Western Cape is experiencing a severe drought – the worst to hit the town in 100 years.
Image: File photo

The Wits Global Change Institute’s Prof Francois Engelbrecht warns that global warming is having a visibly devastating affect on the African continent. He stresses that, as carbon dioxide concentrations increase globally, SA will need to prepare for more frequent and intense droughts that may put the country's food and water security at risk. Engelbrecht says at the rate at which these concentrations are climbing, the African continent is likely to experience devastating and unusual climate anomalies within the next two decades.

The SA Weather Service (Saws) raised similar concerns earlier this month. Saws researcher Cobus Olivier says the organisation wants the country to be prepared should this summer be marked by below-normal rainfall and above-normal temperatures.

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