Diepsloot residents vow to vote EFF, say Zuma has let them down

19 October 2013 - 11:10 By Sapa
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Some Diepsloot residents angered by the killing of two children have vowed to vote for the Economic Freedom Fighters in general elections next year.

"In other countries if you kill you get killed, but in South Africa you are awarded with a comfortable life in prison. You eat healthy food and you have a television," said Reneilwe Mokwena, 34, a mother of four.

Another mother, Darksha Fenyane, 36, said the two of them would be voting for the EFF, saying President Jacob Zuma had let them down.

"We voted for him not knowing he is like this. He must not come here because we will hurt him," said Fenyane.

The bodies of two-year-old Yonelisa Mali and her cousin Zandile Mali, three, were found on Tuesday. They were reported missing at the weekend.

Four men appeared in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court on Friday on charges of rape and murder. The case was postponed to Thursday for the men to apply for Legal Aid.

A fifth man, who was arrested early Friday morning in Alexandra, would appear in the court on Monday.

Gauteng premier Nomvula Mokonyane urged Diepsloot residents to support the family of the two toddlers.

"This is something that must never happen to anybody's child," she said outside the family's home in Diepsloot, north of Johannesburg.

She said police received information which helped them make the arrests.

"What has happened today [Friday] in Diepsloot is a demonstration that community and police relationship are very important. Their partnership can go a long way.

"Now that the suspect has been arrested let's all rally behind the family give them the necessary support. Give the mothers space to grieve the loss of their children so that they can find closure."

She told reporters the family was thankful and looking forward to a swift prosecution of the perpetrators.

Earlier, residents gathered outside the police station to protest about the murders. They demanded that police release the fifth man so they could burn him.

Police were in the area as Economic Freedom Fighters supporters and African National Congress supporters clashed. EFF supporters accused ANC supporters of beating them.

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