JUSTICE MALALA | The ANC has ruined the healthcare system, the NHI won’t fix it

North West premier Bushy Maape’s medical trip to Thailand is a damning indictment of our leader’s attitude to local health care

28 January 2024 - 19:34

In June 2023 President Cyril Ramaphosa visited Hammanskraal, just north of Pretoria, where at least 23 people had died of cholera due to lack of clean running water in the area. He visited various sites and ended up at the local stadium where he received rapturous applause. When he referred to the local Jubilee Hospital and said the facility was handling the cholera outbreak, the crowd booed. They started shouting “mortuary, mortuary”, referring to the widely held belief in the area that if you find yourself at the facility, you will die...

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