IN MEMES | OPW gave Twitter another 'bekezela' bride *sigh*

21 May 2018 - 10:25
By Chrizelda Kekana
OPW couple Vera and Musa went through a lot in their relationship.
Image: Via Twitter/Mzansi Magic OPW couple Vera and Musa went through a lot in their relationship.

While weddings are always joyous occasions and OPW always leaves Twitter with positive vibes, last night's episode had a different effect on tweeps who felt that marriage should never be a reward for "holding on".

After hearing the love story of Vera and Musa, tweeps termed the wedding "another bekezela" wedding. The term 'bekezela' is one of the most popular terms included by most older people when giving the bride advice for marriage. It means that no matter what hardships the couple confronts, the wife should always "hold on and be strong" for the sake of their marriage.

Unfortunately in Mzansi, that has often meant that women take cheating men back and endure all kinds of abuse in the name of uk'bekezela.

Twitter wasn't therew for it at all, they had the memes for it.

The groom's energy was also too much for viewers to take in. There is happiness and then there is whatever that groom was "high" on commented tweeps.

No but really, he was way too hyperactive. 

There was also this bit of truth that this mama dropped at the reception.

When she said, "our exes have ruined us," we all felt that in our cores.