'Ex' Jamali singer Mariechan is coming back for her missed solo opportunity

02 July 2018 - 07:00
By Chrizelda Kekana
Mariechan has gone solo and her single 'Missed Calls' has been well received.
Image: Supplied Mariechan has gone solo and her single 'Missed Calls' has been well received.

It has taken her over ten years to fully throw all her efforts into making a name for herself as a solo artist and former Jamali member, Mariechan is ready to do things her way. 

The singer who was introduced to Mzansi through a singing competition in 2003 recently released her latest single titled Missed Calls from her upcoming solo EP.

Mariechan told TshisaLIVE that it was time for a re-introduction!

"I'm re-introducing myself and taking people through my journey, moods and experiences as a woman, as well as, a female solo artist.

"I feel like I am now letting people into quite a vulnerable side of myself that people never got a chance to see because when you are part of a group, you know, packaged for the group. When you are part of a group in this industry, you're built for the group, that means being told, 'this is what you’ll look like and this is what you'll sound like'. Basically a lot of things are scheduled for you for the sake of the group."

If you watched Coca Cola Pop Stars back in the 2000s, then you know that Jamali is one of the biggest girl bands to come out of the singing competition. 

Mariechan was one of the girls who made it because of her "unique" voice but she admitted that in the making of Jamali's success, 'Mariechan's uniqueness faded away', but she's gotten it back.

She said it took her a while to find her sound out of the group because there was so much time that went into building the Mariechan who was part of the girl band.

"I've been with Jamali for over ten years and to date we still come together and are still called at corporate events to perform our hits. But when we all suggested taking the solo route, we were happy to give each other that time to grow individually as artists because the group was manufactured to fit a certain mould. I had to rediscover my artistry all over again."

The singer has never totally left the industry and has featured on singles such as Lulo Cafe's Keep The Level Low and Reason's No Ordinary Being, which also featured Riky Rick.

Mzansi recently fell back in love with Mariechan after her collaboration on Different with Shekhinah, whose own career is blossoming.

Mariechan said she's hoping her EP, Cherry Blossom will be available in November.

She said the material was ready but like all other important brand related moves, she had a team looking at the best time to release it.

The music video for Missed Calls is already available, you can watch it here: