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With the start of the festive season and its high rate of road accidents upon us, large reductions in traffic fatalities are possible if everyone in the vehicle is buckled up. Research has shown wearing seat belts reduces the risk of death in crashes by up to 72%.

Though using seat belts and child restraints is mandatory in South Africa, there is still noncompliance, says the Automobile Association (AA).

The AA claims the seat belt-wearing rate in South Africa is below 60%. There is a perception among many motorists that because they consider themselves excellent drivers, they don't need to be restrained because “I will never be in a crash”.

Every scientific study undertaken has shown seat belts are the most effective method of reducing death and serious injury in a crash. South Africa could probably reduce its annual road deaths by a third if everybody wore their seat belts. In a crash, people have a five-times greater chance of survival if they stay in the vehicle instead of being ejected.

Seat belts should also be worn in cars with airbags, as this video shows. View the difference between restrained and unrestrained occupants in a car with airbags crashed at just 40km/h.

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