AMCU members sing and dance during the 5th commemoration of the Marikana massacre.
Image: Masi Losi
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People have started gathering at the Marikana koppie in Rustenburg to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Marikana massacre.

Organised by the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu)‚ the ceremony marks the tragic killing of 34 mineworkers by police during a wage strike in 2012.

A massive white tent and sound stage have been erected near the koppie that is slowly being filled by hundreds attending Wednesday’s proceedings.

Traditional music groups are providing entertainment for the growing audience which is set to be addressed by Amcu president Joseph Mathunjwa after 2pm.

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Many in the crowd are wearing green Amcu T-shirts emblazoned with an image of Mgcineni Noki‚ one of the miners that was killed five years ago.

"Today is a painful day for most of us. This area brings a lot of painful memories for me because this is where my brothers were killed.

"It's difficult for me to come near this koppie but I had to come today to remember those that were killed by police‚" said Mnikelo Mkhutshwa.

Mineworkers at a local mine downed tools in 2012‚ demanding a R12‚500 monthly salary.

Their list of demands included housing as most live in shacks and crowded hostels.

Five years later‚ many miners say not much has improved at the mine.

"I live in a shack and earn below the R12‚500 we were demanding.

"The employer still refuses to address our demands‚" said Sipho Gontshsleni.

Marikana widows and Lonmin representatives are at the event.


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