A police sergeant was shot in the head and his colleague wounded in the leg during the exchange of gunfire. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/ruslanphoto2
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A 48-year-old police sergeant was shot dead and his colleague wounded during a shoot-out with a gang of robbers in Cape Town on Friday.

Police spokesperson Brig Novela Potelwa said police officers and a security company responded to an armed business robbery by four suspects in Killarney Gardens industrial area.

The robbers held staff at gunpoint inside the building and opened fire at officers as they made their getaway.

“As a consequence, a shoot-out started, resulting in two police officials being wounded and two robbers wounded,” said Potelwa.

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A police sergeant from Table View was shot in the head and declared dead on arrival at a medical facility. A second policeman was shot in the leg.

Two suspects, aged 34 and 36, were wounded and arrested. Two more are still at large.

“A manhunt for the suspects at large has been launched with additional police joining the extensive search.”

Provincial police commissioner Lt Gen Thembisile Patekile was expected to visit the family of the deceased policeman later in the day.

“We undertake to use all resources at our disposal to hunt the outstanding suspects. They must be brought to book. In the same breath, we warn police members to be vigilant at all times as they face brazen criminals who will stop at nothing in the execution of crime.”



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