The case of suspended State Security Agency employee Thuso Oesi, who allegedly stole R1m from the agency, was postponed until March 8. Stock photo.
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The case of the State Security Agency (SSA) employee who allegedly stole R1m from the agency was on Wednesday postponed by the Pretoria specialised commercial crimes court until March 8.

Thuso Leonard Oesi, 39, who worked in the IT department, made his first appearance in court in April last year.

The state alleges Oesi, who had worked for the agency for more than 10 years, created fake payment advance authorisations in favour of himself for training courses he never attended. He requested the payments be made into his personal bank account.

According to the charge sheet, Oesi — who earns just more than R46,000 a month at the agency — twice fiddled the system to change his salary. One month he made it R80,268 and on the second occasion, he more than trebled it to R174,141.

During his previous appearance, the court heard his defence team still had to finalise their instructions for trial.

As part of the finalisation, Oesi was also in the process of securing an expert IT witness to testify on his behalf. 

NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana said the defence has appointed an expert and a report is still outstanding.

TimesLIVE reported he faces 28 counts including theft and fraud, and allegedly manipulating the IT system to line his pockets in 2019 and 2020.

Oesi was suspended.


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