Chief justice and chair of the state capture commission Raymond Zondo. File photo.
Image: Felix Dlangamandla
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The Pretoria high court has granted a six-week extension for the final delivery of the state capture report, giving the commission until June 15.

This followed an urgent application heard unopposed on Thursday. 

The final instalment of the report was initially meant to be delivered at the end of April. But the commission’s chairperson, chief justice Raymond Zondo, said in court papers the commission would not be able to deliver all the outstanding sections of the report by that time.

However, part four of the report is expected imminently. When Zondo deposed to his affidavit on April 21 he said the commission was, “as I prepare this affidavit”, about to deliver an electronic copy to the president “some time today [April 21] or this evening or tomorrow morning”. 

Zondo said part four would cover “the capture of Eskom; the attempted capture of the National Treasury; EOH and the City of Johannesburg; Alexcor; closure of the Gupta bank accounts; the Free State asbestos project debacle; and the Free State R1bn housing project debacle”. He said it would run to about 1,114 pages.

Zondo said the delays so far were not a result of neglecting the work of the commission, but because “over three years the commission heard a lot of important evidence that needs to be analysed and taken into account”. 

The commission was “adamant that it will do its work properly until it has completed its report”, said Zondo.


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