Rangers in the Kruger Park hauled an elephant calf out of a ditch filled with water on Tuesday.
Image: SANParks
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Rangers from Phalaborwa in the Kruger National Park have been hailed by South African National Parks (SANParks) after a strenuous rescue mission to haul an elephant calf to safety on Tuesday. 

It is understood the calf was caught in a deep ditch which had filled with water and would have been in serious trouble had it not been for swift action by the rangers. 

“We have never had a doubt they are more than heroes in uniform. However, today they outdid themselves when they reunited an elephant cow with her calf after a long and  stressful mission to rescue the little one from a ditch,” SANParks said.

“Definitely heading towards ending the year on a high note with the Phalaborwa hero rangers. Well done.”

- The calf was rescued after becoming stuck in a ditch filled with water.
- The rescued elephant calf was later reunited with its mother.
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