The tanker was found siphoning fuel from a Transnet pipeline in KwaZulu-Natal.
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A fuel tanker found at a crime scene must be forfeited to the state, the Pietermaritzburg high court has ruled.

Hawks spokesperson Capt Simphiwe Mhlongo said security officers, acting on a tip-off, found the tanker — worth R816 500 — stealing fuel from a Transnet pipeline around Mooi River in July 2021.

“It is alleged that on July 19 2021, security guards were patrolling the fuel pipeline in the Mooi River area. They allegedly received information about a fuel tanker that was stealing fuel from the Transnet pipeline and they proceeded to the site,” said Mhlongo.  

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“On arrival the suspects fled the scene on foot and a case of theft of fuel was reported at Mooi River police station. Police seized the fuel tanker allegedly used in the commission of a crime and the case docket was allocated to the Hawks members from the Pietermaritzburg serious organised crime investigation unit.”

Mhlongo said the matter was then referred to the asset forfeiture investigation unit which “worked together with the National Prosecuting Authority to secure a preservation order. If the owner does not oppose the order successfully or provide a reasonable explanation to the court within 90 days the fuel tanker will be forfeited to the state.”

The high court granted the preservation order on Thursday.


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