Public sector workers have vowed to continue striking.
Image: Mark Andrews
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Public service workers countrywide will continue to strike, despite a labour court order interdicting them from doing so. 

“We shall not retreat nor surrender,” the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) said, adding it will appeal the interdict.

“We believe strongly that the labour appeal court will arrive at a different conclusion.”

Nehawu national spokesperson Lwazi Nkolonzi said: “What it means is that once you file an appeal, immediately it suspends the order. As such, we are continuing with our strike action ... across the country in various workplaces — health institutions, justice, magistrate's courts, higher education departments, social development departments.

“We have gathered in those workplaces and we are demonstrating outside.” 

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Nkolonzi said the blame for service-delivery disruption should be placed at the government's door.

“The workers have withdrawn their labour and they will withdraw their labour until government puts something [on the negotiating table] that workers might consider.”


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