The nurse allegedly asked the taxi driver to drop her closer to the clinic as it was dark, but the driver refused. Stock photo.
Image: 1243RF/Paul Fleet
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Health minister Joe Phaahla has appealed to the community of Madumane village in Limpopo to assist police to catch the perpetrator who assaulted, robbed and raped a nurse on Tuesday. 

Phaahla condemned the attack which occurred while the nurse was on her way to work at a clinic in Tzaneen.

“Minister Phaahla appeals to the community members of Madumane village and nearby communities to join hands with the police in search of the perpetrator of this heinous crime of gender-based violence and ensure their communities are safer places for people to work and children to play,” said department spokesperson Foster Mohale.

Limpopo health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba and the Democratic Nursing Organisation of  SA (Denosa) in Limpopo also condemned the incident.

MEC spokesperson Thilivhali Muavha said the nurse was travelling in a taxi to the clinic just after dusk.

“As it was dark, she allegedly requested the taxi driver to drop her at the clinic but the driver refused.

“A few moments after disembarking, an unknown man accosted her, dragged her into the bush where he assaulted and raped her before making off with her belongings. The victim managed to crawl to nearby houses for help,” he said.

The victim was admitted to hospital with a broken leg and underwent an operation.

Mohale said the department, working with law enforcement agencies and  civil society organisations, would continue to explore ways to improve security for healthcare workers.

“These kinds of criminal activities hamper the department's efforts to make more health facilities available to communities even after hours,” he said.


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