Two North West police officers who allegedly found themselves on the wrong side of the law have been arrested. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Belchonok
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North West police commissioner Lt-Gen Sello Kwena on Sunday lauded the arrest of two police officers who have allegedly found themselves on the wrong side of the law. 

One is a 28-year-old officer from Ganyesa, who is a member of the visible policing unit. He was arrested for stock theft. The other is from Orkney and faces a charge of defeating the ends of justice. 

Brig Sabata Mokgwabone said the 28-year-old was arrested alongside a 24-year-old accomplice. 

“The suspects' court appearance emanated from their apprehension on Thursday after being found in possession of stolen cattle. Reports suggest the farm employee called and informed his employer about people who loaded the cattle from the farm.

“A search was launched by the Vryburg stock theft and endangered species (STES) unit in conjunction with the local farmers. As a result, a white Toyota Fortuner with a trailer loaded with five cattle was spotted and stopped not far from the farm on the Tlakgameng village gravel road. Following a preliminary investigation, the cattle were handed back to the lawful owner after being positively identified through brand marks and tags while the vehicle and the trailer were seized,” said Mogwabone. 

In the second incident,  a 40-year-old sergeant was arrested on Friday through a crime intelligence operation.

“The arrest came after intelligence gathered on Thursday resulted in the recovery of a car that was hijacked in Kanana last month. The car was found in a garage at Extension 21, Jouberton. However, the suspect was not at home.

“A follow-up was made on Friday after information was received that the suspect and the sergeant had called the victim and indicated their intention to give back the hijacked car key to him provided he withdraws the case. Subsequent to the identification of the sergeant and involvement of the provincial anti-corruption investigation unit (ACIU), the member was ultimately arrested at Orkney police station. He is expected to appear in the Orkney magistrate's court tomorrow (Monday) for defeating the ends of justice and possession of suspected stolen goods.” 

Kwena welcomed the arrest of the two, saying dishonesty by SAPS officers would not be tolerated as it tarnishes the image of the service.


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