Chanting and holding placards, clad in red and black Samwu T-shirts, workers have closed Sauer Street close to Luthuli House.
Image: Phathu Luvhengo
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Employees of several municipalities in Gauteng affiliated with the South African Municipal Workers' Union (Samwu) embarked on a march in Johannesburg on Thursday to demand that the Municipal Systems Act be repealed.

Chanting and holding placards, workers clad in red and black Samwu T-shirts closed off Sauer Street near the ANC's headquarters. 

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Union spokesperson Papikie Mohale said they would march to the premier's office to deliver their memorandum of demands.

“We are also demanding the payments of the salaries of employees from the City of Tshwane who were denied increases as per the collective agreement in 2021,” he said.

He said workers are also demanding negotiations on the wage curve be concluded and implemented by Gauteng municipalities.

“One of the things we are also calling for is a review of the funding model of the municipalities. We are saying that as it is, municipalities are set up for failure deliberately as a result of the funding model,” he said.

Workers are expected to move to the provincial office of co-operative governance and traditional affairs before going to the premier's office.


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