Extortionists are seeking 'protection fees' from refuse collection staff and contractors in some parts of Cape Town. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/germanopoli
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Cape Town plans to establish a “facility protection unit” to escort refuse removal staff and contractors in areas where they are threatened by extortion gangs. 

Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis said in Kosovo and the wider area of Philippi East “constant threats of violence have led to the need for law enforcement protection to keep services going for residents”.

Kosovo informal settlement forms part of a future provincial housing project. 

The city said contractors were prevented from operating in Kosovo with demands for protection fees made by local extortionists. Some vehicles were damaged. In Samora Machel/Brown’s Farm, a contractor could not service the area due to safety concerns. 

The mayor said it was not sustainable to indefinitely provide escorts using law enforcement units for protection. 

“The city will soon launch a facility protection unit, which will also provide escorts for staff where needed. However, we also need meaningful arrests and prosecutions — and I renew my call to the police to formally constitute [a] kidnapping and extortion task team.”


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