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SRC members from 14 universities marched to NSFAS offices in Cape Town's CBD on Wednesday afternoon to protest a new funding condition that NSFAS will reduce the funding of students enrolled for courses with under 60 credits.

They were also protesting NSFAS' plans to take control of paying allowances to students via a third-party company.

University of Limpopo's SRC president, Makamo Vincent, said they arrived early on Wednesday morning after spending 10 hours on the road and that they had not eaten. 

“We are here due to the incompetence of NSFAS ...They are playing chess with our students and they are not responding to our students’ appeals," he said.

The protest is a result of breakdowns in communication with NSFAS and the universities' SRC representatives, said University of Free State's Bloemfontein campus SRC president, Okuhle April.

“We’ve been having countless engagements with the different institutions like NSFAS. We’ve been having countless engagements and nothing is coming to fruition,” he said.

The NFAS representative who received the memorandum refused to comment. 


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