The KwaZulu-Natal Doctors Healthcare Coalition has voiced its concerns on the National Health Insurance Bill, which was approved on Friday by the parliamentary portfolio committee on health. File photo.
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The KwaZulu-Natal Doctors Healthcare Coalition (KZNDHC) is concerned about entrusting the lives and wellbeing of citizens to a government with a history of financial mismanagement, it said on Wednesday.

The organisation voiced its concerns on the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill, which was approved by the parliamentary portfolio committee on health on Friday before it goes to the National Assembly.

It said the failures of the current public health systems cannot be ignored. 

KZNDHC CEO Dr Neven Govender said the independent practitioners' association, representing 1,200 doctors in the private sector, believes that any reform, including the implementation of the NHI, must address the fundamental issues that “plague our public health system.

“These issues include a lack of sufficient resources, infrastructure deficiencies and workforce shortages. The failure to adequately address these challenges has resulted in compromised healthcare services and hindered access to quality care for many South Africans. 

“We cannot ignore the issues of abuse and mismanagement of funds that have plagued our public health system. Instances of financial misconduct and misappropriation of funds within various state-owned entities have eroded trust in the government's ability to efficiently manage healthcare budgets.

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“The NHI Bill, in its current form, does not provide sufficient reassurances or mechanisms to address these concerns adequately. As representatives of the healthcare community, we believe it is essential to prioritise strengthening our public health system, ensuring transparency, accountability, and responsible management of resources, before implementing reforms such as the NHI,” he said.

Govender said one of the main issues raised was the development of the bill without due consideration for the legitimate concerns and recommendations of experts, particularly regarding the introduction of contracting units for primary healthcare (CUPs).

“We believe that the implementation of CUPs may have implications for the delivery of primary healthcare services, including the quality, accessibility and continuity of care. It is vital that the voices of professionals and stakeholders in the healthcare industry are heard and incorporated into the development of the bill, particularly when it comes to the establishment and functioning of CUPs.”

He urged stakeholders to critically assess the proposed reforms, engage in open dialogue and collaborate to develop a healthcare system that “is truly comprehensive, equitable and sustainable for all South Africans.

“The KZNDHC will continue to closely monitor the developments around the bill, advocating for the urgent rectification of the existing failures in the public health system. We remain committed to working together with policymakers, experts and stakeholders to ensure the provision of high-quality healthcare services that our citizens deserve.”


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