Nicole Barlow has written a letter of apology to the wife and family of the late Chris Hani following her tweets at the weekend.
Image: Facebook/Nicole Barlow
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Environmental activist Nicole Barlow “deeply apologises” to the wife and family of the slain Chris Hani.

Barlow sparked outrage on social media at the weekend when she tweeted “we missed an opportunity to do a Chris Hani on him”, referring to energy and mineral resources minister Gwede Mantashe who visited Boksburg for a Cosatu event.

While Barlow had on Monday attempted to explain why she made the remark, she has now issued an apology to the Hani family.

In a letter addressed to Hani’s wife, Limpho Hani, which Barlow shared with TimesLIVE, she said she made the remarks in haste and anger, which is inexcusable.

“For any pain and suffering this has caused you and your family, I am deeply sorry,” Barlow said.

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“We have vastly different experiences of the same country. Yours, and that of your family, would’ve been moulded by living under the oppressive yoke and mine has been moulded by living under the vengeful malevolence of the ANC.

"Tragically the trajectory of yours changed in an instant, when your husband, the man that much of the nation looked upon to lead them out of oppression and into a new dawn, was murdered before you.

"It would be disingenuous to even suggest I know how you feel or the indelible mark his murder would’ve left on your life and that of your family.”

Barlow said had Hani still been alive, the circumstances in the country could have been different.

“Our pain at seeing the ANC lay waste to a magnificent country that could’ve so easily served the needs and desires of every citizen — regardless of race — is no less traumatic.

"Watching the slow suffocation of an entire nation and its impending demise was not the plan. 

"The view held by many [is] that the very disaster that has ensued, could’ve been avoided had Mr Hani not been assassinated.

"That I referenced the tragedy of your husband’s murder in relation to someone who has brought that very pain upon our nation was a grave mistake.”

The SA Human Rights Commission is investigating Barlow. 

Spokesperson Wisani Baloyi said they were assessing the case and the outcome will determine their next step.

“The commission notes that the number of hate speech utterances made on Twitter and other social media platforms continue to increase, which is of great concern to us,” Baloyi said.


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