A convoy of trucks carrying various essential goods and supplies makes their way on the N3. File image
Image: Sebabatso Mosamo
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An arson attack on Saturday night led to six trucks being set alight on Van Reenen's Pass, which caused the closure of the N3 toll route.

The attackers fled the scene.

The drivers managed to escape unhurt.

"All authorities and emergency services are on scene. They have secured the area, and the fires have been doused. The clean-up and recovery operations are under way," the operator said.

Police said the attack took place at 10pm.

"A gang of armed men forced six truck drivers to stop their trucks on the Van Reenens Pass. They then set all six trucks alight, causing the roadway to be closed to traffic. No injuries were reported," KwaZulu-Natal police spokesman Jay Naicker said.

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"At this stage the motive for the attack is unknown. Van Reenen detectives are investigating a case of malicious damage to property. A large police deployment including the Public Order Policing Unit is monitoring the situation."

Motorists were urged to delay their trips if possible.

Northbound traffic, heading to Johannesburg, was stopped at Tugela Plaza, while southbound traffic, heading to Durban, was stacked at the top of Van Reenen's Pass.

FleetWatch magazine said the attack was a deliberate "hit".

"After talking to various people on the scene, this was a well-planned attack on trucks. They planned the ambush, got the trucks to stop by spreading some debris and rocks across the road, shooting at them and then burning them.

"One truck has numerous bullet holes in the cab from the attackers shooting at it."


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