Different areas will have different reduction percentages in their supply, according to Johannesburg Water. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF
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The planned water shutdown in Gauteng will not cut off supply entirely but lower pressure will be experienced in some areas for up to 10 days after completion, while others will get their supply back after a few hours. 

According to Johannesburg Water, different areas will have different reduction percentages in their supply. 

The Rand Water maintenance will be conducted at the Vereeniging water treatment plant, Eikenhof booster pumping station, Zuikerbosch water treatment plant and Zwartkopjes system.  

The affected pumping booster stations are Daleside, Zwartkopjes and Eikenhof. 

Areas feeding from the Daleside station will have a reduced supply of 50% for a period of eight hours. It is estimated that once the work is completed, full recovery of water supply will take an additional 24 hours.

The affected areas are around Ennerdale.

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In the Zwartkopjes booster areas there will be a reduced supply of 40% for 24 hours. It is estimated that once the work is completed, the full recovery will take five more days.

The affected areas are in central Johannesburg.

In the Eikenhof booster station areas the planned work will leave residents with a supply reduced by 24% for 58 hours. The full recovery will take an estimated 10 days once the work is done.

The Eikenhof booster is situated in the Southdale area. 

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