Johannesburg's previously postponed 58-hour water outage will start at 7pm on July 11.
Image: 123RF/Weerapat Kiatdumrong
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More than 220 suburbs in Johannesburg will be affected by the planned 58-hour water shutdown scheduled to start at 7pm on Tuesday until 5am on Friday. 

The purpose is to replace or upgrade old critical infrastructure and reduce unplanned breakdowns.

Johannesburg Water said Rand Water will conduct planned work at the Vereeniging water treatment plant, Eikenhof booster pumping station, Zuikerbosch water treatment plant and Zwartkopjes system.

Pumping will be reduced in the Daleside, Zwartkopjes and Eikenhof booster stations. 

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“Customers in higher-lying areas will experience the outage for a longer period as the network gradually recovers,” said Johannesburg Water.

“Planned work starting from 7pm will result in reduced supply to the Rand Water Daleside booster station. Water supply will be reduced by 50% for a period of eight hours. It is estimated once the work is completed, full recovery of water supply will take an additional 24 hours.”

Johannesburg Water said supply at Zwartkopjes booster station will be reduced by 40% for a period of 24 hours and by 24% at Eikenhof booster station for 58 hours.

Roaming water tankers will be provided to affected areas and alternative supply will be arranged at hospitals, clinics, schools, municipal offices, police stations and shopping centres.

“It is estimated that full recovery of the systems may take about five days or longer after the supply has been fully restored,” Johannesburg Water said.



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