One man has been arrested in connection with a mass shooting in Umlazi. Stock photo.
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A suspect alleged to be involved in a mass shooting at Umlazi Q section, which claimed seven lives, was arrested at a Durban mall on Sunday.

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Col Robert Netshiunda said the man is expected to appear in the Umlazi magistrate's court on Tuesday. 

“He will face seven charges of murder and attempted murder,” said Netshiunda.

The suspect's arrest follows a 72-hour hunt by a multidisciplinary team comprising officers from the serious and violent crimes and murder and robbery units, provincial stabilisation team, Phoenix trio task team and crime intelligence.

Netshiunda said the team followed leads which took them to Umbumbulu, Umlazi, Empandwini and Pitela.

A search for the remaining suspects continues.

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According to the police, four armed suspects entered a house shortly before midnight on Friday and opened fire on occupants, killing two. A third victim was shot inside in a back room while another was shot dead next to the outside toilet.

The suspects reportedly proceeded to an informal settlement a few metres away from the scene and shot three people inside a shack.

Netshiunda said another two people were killed on Saturday in the same section. He would not be drawn on linking the two shootings.

A family member who lost his father and brother during the Friday ambush said the family was living in fear.

“We are devastated by this. Our lives have been turned upside down,” he said.

The man said they were in the dark about what prompted the massacre. Their retired father was the head of the family and was respected among devotees at the Nazareth Baptist Church.

Funeral arrangements are yet to be finalised.



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