At least one person has drowned as the Kouga municipality assesses the damage caused by the weekend's severe tidal activity. Stock photo.
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At least one person has died as the Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape continues to tally the damages caused by the springtide and inclement weather conditions at the weekend.

In a statement released on Sunday morning, the municipality said a body had washed up on the beach at Aston Bay, and role players were investigating the possibility of more fatalities.

More information about the deceased and the circumstances surrounding the incident have not yet been released.

Residents have meanwhile been warned not to use the Swart River causeway, linking Aston Bay and Paradise Beach, in vehicles or on foot, despite the water subsiding. 

“Though the water may subside, the surface of the causeway must be inspected before it can be opened for traffic again,” the statement read.

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Aston Bay community hall and parking area was also flooded. Members of the National Sea Rescue Institute were called to assist with evacuating people attending a function at the hall.

The entry into Kabeljous, from the R102, has also been marked as a no-go area as roads and parking lots were flooded.

The municipality urged residents to notify officials of any other damage or problematic areas as they continued to assess the damage.



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