A 15-year-old girl was allegedly forcefully taken to an unoccupied church and robbed and raped by two suspects. File photo.
Image: Gareth Wilson
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Police in Bela-Bela, Limpopo, have launched a manhunt for two suspects who allegedly robbed and raped a 15-year-old girl at gunpoint in an unoccupied church at Mandela village on Saturday evening.

It is alleged a boy and girl, both aged 15, were standing in an open field at about 6pm when two unknown men approached them.

Police spokesperson Brig Hlulani Mashaba said one of the suspects produced a firearm and the duo were forcefully taken to an unoccupied church nearby and robbed of two cellphones.

“Reportedly, the boy was hit on the head with a firearm and a 15-year-old girl was raped by the two suspects at gunpoint,” said Mashaba.

“Afterwards, the suspects fled the scene on foot and the incident was immediately reported to the police who opened a case of rape and robbery with a firearm.”

Mashaba said a manhunt had been launched for the suspects and anyone with information that could assist with investigation should contact the investigating officer W/O Edward Rachoene on 071-355-0569, Crime Stop on 08600-10111, their nearest police station or use the MySAPS app.


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