The grandfather of the three deceased brothers was alerted about the shooting at the initiation school at 1.15am on Tuesday. File photo.
Image: 123RF/Paul Fleet
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Four brothers were shot, three of them fatally, at an initiation school in Nqamakwe in the early hours on Tuesday. 

Eastern Cape police spokesperson Col Priscilla Naidu said the grandfather of the deceased was alerted about a shooting at the initiation school in Ngcwazi A/A Mntla location.  

“The community went to investigate and found three males, aged 18 to 26, fatally shot,” Naidu said. 

The 22-year-old brother of the deceased males sustained a gunshot wound to his upper body and was taken to hospital.  

“All three deceased are brothers. Two of them aged 18 were initiates, while the third, aged 26, was not an initiate.”

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The motive is yet to be established.

Police have appealed to anyone who can assist to contact Nqamakwe police at 073-272-9874 or Crime Stop on 08600-10111. 

Chairperson of the Eastern Cape House of Traditional and Khoisan Leaders Nkosi Mpumalanga Gwadiso sent his condolences to the families of the deceased. 



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