KZN cops have arrested two suspects after they were found to be running a clandestine drug laboratory in Silverglen on Thursday December 14 2023.
Image: Supplied
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Two men were arrested after police uncovered a "clandestine" drug laboratory in Silverglen, Durban, this week.
- Heroine powder, industrial grinder with heroine residue, cocaine powder, crystal meth, ecstacy and mandrax tablets, approximately 1.6-million empty capsules, two firearms and several rounds of ammunition were found in the possession of the suspects.
- Heroine powder, industrial grinder with heroine residue, cocaine powder, crystal meth, ecstacy and mandrax tablets, approximately 1.6-million empty capsules, two firearms and several rounds of ammunition were found in the possession of the suspects.
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The men were arrested on Thursday by the KwaZulu-Natal organised crime unit working together with the eThekwini district intervention and economic infrastructure task teams.

“Police had gathered intelligence about the suspected illegal activities which were happening at a certain premises on Ocean View Road,” said police spokesperson Col Robert Netshiunda.

“With the court having issued a search warrant, the team entered the heavily secured premises and were attacked by vicious pit bulls.

“In self-defence, one pit bull was shot and injured.

“Upon entering the house, police found two men who were running an illegal drug lab.”

Heroine powder, an industrial grinder with heroine residue, cocaine powder, crystal meth, ecstasy and Mandrax tablets, about 1.6-million empty capsules, two firearms and several rounds of ammunition were found in the suspects' possession, 

The two suspects, aged 44 and 45, were arrested and will appear in the Chatsworth magistrate’s court on Monday.

Heroine powder, industrial grinder with heroine residue, cocaine powder, crystal meth, ecstacy and mandrax tablets, approximately 1.6 million empty capsules, two firearms and several rounds of ammunition were found in the possession of the suspects.
Image: Supplied


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