Freight rail and ports operator Transnet has struggled to haul bulk commodities including coal due to the shortage of locomotives and spares, as well as cable theft and vandalism of its infrastructure. File photo.
Image: Transnet Port Terminals
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Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) on Thursday said it exported 47.21-million tonnes of coal in 2023, down 6.2% year-on-year, the lowest level since 1992 as the country's freight rail crisis continues to throttle mineral shipments.

Freight rail and ports operator Transnet has struggled to haul bulk commodities including coal due to the shortage of locomotives and spares, as well as cable theft and vandalism of its infrastructure.

South Africa's main coal export terminal expects to export 50-million tonnes of the fossil fuel in 2024, RBCT CEO Alan Waller told a media briefing.

Shipments through RBCT declined from 50.35-million tonnes in 2022 and a recent peak of 76.47-million tonnes in 2017. The terminal has capacity to export 91-million tonnes of coal.


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