Tourists alerted authorities after spotting a body in the water at the Knysna lagoon.
Image: NSRI
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The body of a middle-aged woman, thought to have been fishing near Belvedere on the Knysna lagoon, has been recovered by the NSRI.

Knysna NSRI station commander Jerome Simonis said rescue swimmers and police officials arrived at the scene at 7.43am on Thursday after a foreign couple on holiday in Knysna reported seeing a body floating in the water. They located the body and recovered it from the water onto a rescue craft. 

The victim, in her 40s, wearing a maroon top and dark long pants, has not yet been identified.

Anyone with information that can help police identify the victim and locate her family is asked to call Knysna police station on 044 3026 609 or 10111.


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