A Sea Harvest fishing trawler sank 30 nautical miles off the Cape Town coast on Friday. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Paul Fleet
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The search for 11 fishermen on board a commercial fishing trawler that sank 30 nautical miles off the coast of Cape Town on Friday has been called off, and they are presumed dead.

Fisheries minister Barbara Creecy said: "I understand the families of the fishermen have been informed the search has been called off and they are receiving professional counselling and support. Appropriate counselling will be given to the fishermen who survived the incident."

A review of the search progression, search effort and continuous lack of sighting reports from the incident start, and unfavourable weather, led the the South African Maritime Safety Authority maritime rescue coordination centre to conclude the search, her office said.

Nine fishermen were rescued after they were found on a life raft shortly after the accident. 

An investigation will be held to determine the cause of the sinking.


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