The ATDF-ASA is against the employment of drivers who are not South African and wants the departments of labour and home affairs to conduct regular inspections to enforce this. File photo.
Image: Sebabatso Mosamo/Sunday Times
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A threatened shutdown of highways by the All Truck Drivers Forum and Allied South Africa (ATDF-ASA) has been suspended.

The forum confirmed the protest action planned for Monday was temporarily suspended after an urgent meeting with stakeholders on Sunday. 

The government's NatJoints security team on Sunday said road freight workers should communicate their grievances within the confines of the law and no lawlessness would be permitted.

"There will be zero tolerance towards threats, intimidation and closure of our roads. Law enforcement agencies are on high alert to ensure there are no criminal activities and law-abiding citizens are not inconvenienced," it said.

The ATDF-ASA is against the employment of drivers who are not South African and wants the departments of labour and home affairs to conduct regular inspections to enforce this.


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