The girl was raped on November 5 2019 when the pastor went to church and left his daughter with her aunt and Mduduzi Khoza, who raped her. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/tinnakornlek
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A Mbombela (formerly Nelspruit) court on Thursday convicted and sentenced to life a 24-year-old man who raped an eight-year-old girl in Hazyview in Mpumalanga five years ago. 

Mduduzi Khoza was a church member at a church led by the girl’s father. 

Before the incident, the accused felt sick and went to his pastor’s house to get help and stayed with them. The girl was raped on November 5 2019 when the pastor left his daughter with her aunt and Khoza. 

“The victim immediately reported the matter to her aunt and the accused was arrested the same day,” said National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Monica Nyuswa. 

Khoza pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutor Jacqui Letsoalo led the evidence of the girl, who testified with the help of intermediary services.

“The evidence of the doctor who examined the victim was led and confirmed she sustained injuries due to rape.” 

The NPA praised the prosecutor and the investigating officer for a job well done and said it was hoped the sentence would bring closure to the victim’s family. 


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