Former president Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema are in the spotlight as more votes trickle in for the 2024 elections. MK Party is performing well and threatens to usurp the more established red berets.
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With more than half the votes counted, the spotlight is on the EFF as Jacob Zuma’s MK Party (MKP) is slowly taking over the red berets' spot with the third highest number of votes so far. 

By midday on Friday, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) had counted and audited 59% of the votes and the ANC was leading with 41.88%. The DA trailed behind at 23.22% and the MKP at 11.52%, taking the EFF’s third spot. 

The EFF accounted for 9.48% of votes and the difference between it and the MKP was 170,940 votes.

The results could still change as the IEC has started to record more votes from eight of the country’s metros with larger numbers of voters.

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Screenshot of IEC's results portal.
Image: Screenshot


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