The City of Tshwane says load reduction in Soshanguve prevents extended and unplanned power outages, which could last for days. Stock image.
Image: 123RF/mushroomsartthree
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The City of Tshwane this week started implementing load reduction in areas in and around Soshanguve that are supplied by the Soshanguve 132/11kV substation. 

Illegal connections have resulted in the grid being unable to cope with the strain caused by increased demand as a result of the inclement weather. 

Load reduction will take place between 6pm to 10pm daily. 

“The city will soon embark on an aggressive campaign to disconnect illegal electricity connections in the are the main contributing factor to the grid overload,” it said. 

The city also requested residents to report illegal connections. 

“The option of load reduction has an advantage for consumers in that it prevents extended and unplanned power outages, which could last for days as the electrical protection schemes are bound to trip if overloading is not managed.

"It also saves the city from incurring unnecessary costs which might come as a result of extensive damages to the substation.” 

On Monday load reduction was at blocks V, T and W. On Tuesday it was at blocks KK, SS and X. 


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