A 60-year-old woman was killed and her 70-year-old husband kidnapped during a house robbery at a farm outside Swartruggens. Police arrested a 34-year-old woman who was allegedly found in possession of the stolen items. File photo.
Image: 123RF/jirkaejc
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North West police have arrested a woman for possession of suspected stolen property linked to the attack on an elderly couple.

Police spokesperson Lt-Col Amanda Funani said four suspects entered a farm outside Swartruggens on Tuesday.

A 60-year-old woman who was alone in the house was killed.

Her husband, aged 70, was accosted by the suspects on his arrival.

Funani said they took him to the main house, which they ransacked. Household items were loaded into two bakkies.

“They then kidnapped the husband, put him in one of the bakkies and left.

“The 70-year-old victim managed to escape by jumping out of the moving vehicle. He alerted nearby farmers who contacted the police,” she said.

The stolen items were taken by the suspects to a shack belonging to the 34-year-old woman in an informal settlement outside Swartruggens.

She was arrested early on Wednesday and is expected to appear before the Swartruggens magistrate’s court on Friday.

The search for the four suspects continues.


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