The man raped the children aged seven and eight when their mother left them with him to look for their elder brother.
Image: 123RF/Andreypopov
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A 32-year-old man who raped two children six years ago has been sentenced to two life terms.

The man, who cannot be named to protect the girls who were aged seven and eight, was sentenced by the Postmasburg regional court after finding him guilty on two counts of rape. The man was living with the children and their mother in Danielskuil near Postmasburg.  

The case emanates from an incident in 2018 when the mother of the two girls left the man with her children as she went looking for their elder brother who had allegedly been stabbed, National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane said. 

The man went to their mother's bedroom where they were sleeping and raped them. 

They reported the incident to their aunt, who immediately informed their mother. The man was arrested and charged. 

“During the trial, the two children were able to point out the accused in court. They demonstrated the way the accused had covered their mouth with his hand when they cried and detailed the pain they felt when he was raping them.” 

After the state closed its case, the defence also closed its case without calling the man to testify.

In sentencing, the court was satisfied with the evidence by the state witnesses including the medical evidence. 


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