Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to be a virtual participant at a summit of Brics nations in South Africa later this month. File image
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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to be a virtual participant at a summit of Brics nations in South Africa later this month rather than attend in person, sources in New Delhi told Reuters.

The foreign ministry declined to comment, while the prime minister's office did not respond when asked if Modi would travel to Johannesburg for the August 22-24 summit of leaders from a bloc that comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already decided he will be a virtual participant.

China and Russia are keen to discuss expansion of Brics at the summit, while India has reservations about that idea.

India last month hosted a summit of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) in a virtual format after changing its plans to organise it in New Delhi, without giving an official reason.

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An Indian government official said there is growing discomfort in New Delhi about being part of groupings such as Brics and SCO which China dominates, especially as India inches closer to the US and other Western powers.

Relations between New Delhi and Beijing nosedived after a clash on their disputed Himalayan border in 2020 in which 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese soldiers were killed.

The SCO summit was held days after Modi returned from a state visit to Washington where President Joe Biden rolled out the red carpet for him.

India has also frustrated Western capitals over its unwillingness to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Instead, New Delhi has expanded trade with Moscow, buying record amounts of oil.

India holds the presidency of the G20 grouping and will host a summit of its leaders in early September. 



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