Dali Mpofu. File photo.
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Five years after the Marikana massacre‚ government has failed to compensate families of those killed during the unrest.

This claim was made by Advocate Dali Mpofu when addressing thousands of people who were attending a gathering commemorating the 5th anniversary of the massacre in Rustenburg on Wednesday.

"This government is continuing to torture our people. We have told them that when it comes to compensation they must talk to us as the lawyers so that we can give the message to our clients.

"For five years now they go to the newspapers to say this is what is happening in Marikana.

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"Everyday we hear messages that R1.8-billion has been paid but all of that is lies. They are further torturing the people of Marikana‚" said Mpofu.

Thirty-four 34 miners were killed and at least 72 others injured by police during a wage strike on 16 August 2012.

A day after the tragedy‚ President Jacob Zuma announced the establishment of a commission chaired by retired judge Ian Farlam. The Marikana Commission found that Lonmin had failed to engage with striking workers and trade unions the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu).

It also found that trade unions had no full control of their members.

It also made a number of recommendations for the Directorate of Public Prosecution to investigate claims against the police.

To date however‚ nobody has been compensated for the Marikana killings.

Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane said government had not made any compensation 'because they would be admitting that they killed people on this day".

Mmaimane called on South Africans not to forget the tragic incident that occurred on August 16‚ 2012‚ saying the day must be declared a public holiday.

Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema shared similar sentiments when he addressed people of Marikana.

"Those that are in power would want us to forget the brutality unleashed by the police under the ANC government against innocent workers who were asking for a living wage.

"August 16 must be celebrated like June 16 (Youth Day) because there is nothing different from June 16‚ Sharpeville Day and Marikana Day.

"Working class was killed by the government therefore we must remember this day so government does not repeat a similar mistake‚" said Malema.

Activities are still under way in Marikana. Amcu president Joseph Mathunjwa will deliver the keynote address.

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