Former ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule has been expelled from the ANC.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
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“It is time he tastes his own medicine.” This is what some people said when reacting to the expulsion of Ace Magashule from the ANC.  

The ANC confirmed Magashule's expulsion on Monday after the party's national disciplinary committee found he contravened its constitution by “suspending” party president Cyril Ramaphosa in May 2021.

Magashule’s expulsion came a few days after the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) announced it is probing allegations of maladministration in the Free State premier’s office during his tenure.

“The SIU investigation will also focus on the office of the premier’s annual report for the 2017/2018 financial year concerning the approval, allocation or payment of bursaries, including travel, accommodation and stipends, to people who were not entitled or were given in a manner that contradict the applicable manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructions or practices of the office of the premier,” said SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago.

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During his nine-year tenure as Free State premier Magashule was popular for firing people from the legislature in his home province.

Free State premier Mxolisi Dukwana was one of those fired by Magashule.

Giving testimony at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, Dukwana said he was fired from his position as MEC for economic development in 2012 after refusing to work with the Gupta brothers.

Dukwana recounted being introduced to Rajesh Gupta, who allegedly wanted him to award a government tender to the Gupta-linked company Nulane Management Services.

“From this project, Tony (Rajesh Gupta) told me I would receive a monthly payment of R2m. I still persisted that I cannot sign the document.

“I was also startled that the premier [Magashule] brought me to the Gupta compound with the sole intention of corruptly and unlawfully advancing commercial interests of the Guptas,” Dukwana told the commission.

Some people on social media said Magashule was getting a taste of his own medicine. Others sympathised with him, saying his exit would negatively affect the party.

This is how some people reacted on social media:   


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