ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula is in the spotlight over his remarks on taps and water availability. File photo.
Image: Freddy Mavunda/Business Day
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ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula has received backlash for saying the governing party should be acknowledged for installing taps in many communities, despite water availability remaining in question. 

“You now have taps in your yards. Before you used to stand in queues for a [communal] tap. Yes, there may not be water, but you have a tap inside your yard delivered by the ANC,” Mbalula said at a funeral service for ANC members at the weekend. 

He said governing was hard compared to being an opposition party, saying the ANC has been able to deliver basic needs to communities despite having service delivery challenges.

His comments received a cold reception from many people on social media.

“We cannot clap hands for taps without water, we cannot clap hands for classrooms without knowledge and we cannot clap hands for an economy without jobs,” said leader of Build One SA Mmusi Maimane. 

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