The SACP wants US ambassador Reuben Brigety to leave the country. File photo. 
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The South African Communist Party (SACP) has reiterated its call for US ambassador Reuben Brigety's sacking after his damning allegations that South Africa supplied Russia with weapons.

The party renewed its call for his axing after an investigation sanctioned by President Cyril Ramaphosa and led by a panel of independent legal experts found no weapons were loaded on the Russian vessel Lady R while it was in Simon's Town.

The SACP said Brigety's baseless and spurious accusations had a damaging effect on the country's currency, economy and standing in the world.

The party slammed the US ambassador for failing to present evidence to back his claims. It said the independent investigation proved the ambassador’s wild claims were wrong.

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Brigety's allegations were made within the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and US support for Ukraine and South Africa's preparations for the African peace mission seeking an end to the war by peaceful diplomatic means, the party said.

“The US does not have the right to dictate to other countries on their national and foreign policies, and as the people of South Africa we retain our right to resist such imperialist aggression.

“In defence of our democratic national sovereignty, the SACP reiterates its call that South Africa must expel Dr Brigety as a matter of urgency. The SACP supports our government’s peaceful and non-aggressive approach to seek an end to the war.”



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