Rise Mzansi KwaZulu-Natal premier candidate Nonkululeko Hlongwane leads a march in Durban on Thursday.
Image: Sandile Ndlovu
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Rise Mzansi KwaZulu-Natal premier candidate Nonkululeko Hlongwane says the party will not work with the ANC should it dip below 50% in the May 29 polls.

“We understand there will be a coalition government for many years to come but the one thing we have made clear as Rise Mzansi is if the ANC drops below 50% we are not going to go into coalitions with them,” said Hlongwane.

She was speaking before a march to the Durban City Hall on Thursday where the party — led by Songezo Zibi — is expected to hand over a memorandum of grievances to the office of eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda.

She said the party was gunning for at least three seats in the provincial legislature and was poised to get two seats.

As number one on the provincial list, Hlongwane is followed by former provincial health official Chris Maxon and Anele Ndlovu who brings a wealth of experience in the NGO sector.

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“Two seats are already in the bag. Every candidate in Rise Mzansi has been vigorously campaigning. It is not just in KZN, but throughout the country. Anele, for example, has a good sense of community and part of her responsibility has been linking up those people. Chris knows the health system well.”

Hlongwane said the party hoped the public would vote and hold leaders accountable.

More than 450 people gathered at Botha Park carrying placards denouncing the city’s water crisis.

“We want clean, drinkable water for all citizens in the city. We want every family to have access to water and make sure we don’t have a corrupt government.”

While conceding a recovery plan is in place, Hlongwane says she is unconvinced the city's leaders are capable of implementing the plan and policy, so new leaders are required. 



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