ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba in conversation with Sunday Times deputy editor Mike Siluma on the Sunday Times Politics Weekly podcast.
Image: Bulelani Nonyukela
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The DA should have burnt the ANC flag, ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba says in a wide-ranging interview on the Sunday Times Politics Weekly podcast.

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The DA stirred controversy earlier this week when it launched its election campaign advertisement showing the national flag in flames. The DA has defended the advert, with federal chair Helen Zille saying the alternative to being rescued is dying. The party’s election slogan is “Unite to rescue South Africa”.

Asked about his ambitions, Mashaba said: “Being president of the country or being a premier are the last jobs I want, but I am committed to finding a solution to our country’s problems.”

He said he blames former president Thabo Mbeki for many of the country’s problems, saying his advice proved to be “disastrous” and “he’s got the experience of destroying”.

Mashaba explained to host Mike Siluma why ActionSA  proposed renaming eThekwini after the late Mangosuthu Buthelezi.

He also discussed his party’s plans for economic recovery and immigration.

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The podcast is hosted by Sunday Times deputy editor Mike Siluma and produced by Bulelani Nonyukela.


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