Violence erupted between EFF and ANC supporters during political campaigns in Seshego outside Polokwane in Limpopo.
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A nine-year-old girl was wounded when violence erupted between EFF and ANC supporters during campaigning at Juju Valley in Seshego, Limpopo, on Sunday. 

Limpopo police are investigating cases of attempted murder as two people, including the minor, sustained gunshot wounds.

Police spokesperson Brig Hlulani Mashaba said the violence erupted during a campaign event between rival political parties, leading to an escalation that endangered the life of an innocent nine-year-old bystander.

“The police and emergency medical services responded to the scene, providing assistance to the girl and launching an investigation into the matter,” he said.

“Another case was later reported after it was established that a 25-year-old man was shot during the scuffle.”

According to information, several other people sustained injuries after party members hit each other with stones and several shots were fired.

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There is a possibility of more cases being reported as investigations unfold, he added.

Limpopo police commissioner Lt-Gen Thembi Hadebe condemned the violence, saying such behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. 

“We deplore this senseless act of violence that has resulted in injuries to innocent individuals, including a child. The safety and security of our communities, especially during the election period, is of utmost importance. The SAPS will intensify its efforts to maintain law and order and ensure the perpetrators face the full might of the law.”

The ANC and EFF have deplored the incident.

Limpopo ANC spokesperson Jimmy Machaka blamed EFF supporters for gun violence in the area. He said Juju Valley was previously a stronghold of the EFF and deemed to be a no-go area for other political parties. 

On Sunday the ANC went to the area to conduct a door-to-door campaign.

Violence erupted between members of the ANC and supporters of the EFF and members of the EFF [allegedly] pulled guns and started shooting at members of the ANC and also threw stones at them because they did not believe any other party can campaign at Juju Valley,” he said.

" This reprehensible incident is against the principles of democracy and civil discourse the EFF and our nation unreservedly uphold "
- Godrich Gardee, EFF provincial convener 

Fourteen ANC members were injured “during gunshots and throwing of stones”.

“The ANC by its nature is a tolerant organisation and does not support violence because we understand in the democracy we are in everyone has the right to express their views and associate with political parties of their choice,” Machaka said. 

Machaka added that several EFF members were leaving the party in the province and rejoining the ANC. This allegedly prompted EFF supporters to resort to violence to instil fear among their members who want to return to the ANC. 

We condemn this [violence] because it is barbaric and not in the interest of democracy and call on law enforcement agencies for the law to take its course without fear or favour.”

The EFF called for calm and condemned the violence. “This reprehensible incident is against the principles of democracy and civil discourse the EFF and our nation unreservedly uphold,” said EFF provincial convener Godrich Gardee.

“The EFF urgently calls for calm in Juju Valley, and throughout the province, during this crucial period. It Is imperative for all political leaders to exercise restraint and avoid making provocative statements that could escalate tensions further.”

As the May 29 elections approach, it is essential for leaders to foster a peaceful and conducive environment for free and fair campaigning, Gardee said. He reminded political leaders of their responsibility to refrain from making inflammatory statements, whether in private, public and/or on social media platforms, as such rhetoric only serves to divide and incite further conflict among communities.

“The EFF in Limpopo reaffirms the rights of all political parties to campaign freely across South Africa without fear of hindrance or intimidation. No region of our country should be considered a 'no-go area' for any political entity.”

He called on police and the Electoral Commission of South Africa to conduct thorough investigations into the violence and incitement that precipitated the incident in Juju Valley.

The EFF is expected to visit the family of the wounded child and “pray for her speedy recovery”. 



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