Former president Kgalema Motlanthe casts his vote.
Image: Sisanda Mbolekwa
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Former president Kgalema Motlanthe expressed a wish for political stability, saying he has voted for the ANC.

“I am very happy and elated that I’ve cast my vote. This is every citizen’s responsibility and duty. I hope that we will create political stability which is a precondition for development so that we can focus on the real issues,” he said.

When asked for his prediction on the ruling party’s electoral performance in this highly contested election, Motlanthe said his hopes were high that the ANC would emerge victorious.

“One of our leaders, the late Wilton Mkwayi used to tell us whenever we said we want a two-thirds majority, that no, we need a three-thirds majority. And I think that’s is what the ANC is going for.”

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The former president said this election marked an important milestone in the country’s democracy.

“This 30 years is special for us because it marks a major milestone in our journey of democracy. We are building this democracy. Democracy is not a complete package that once declared takes care of every facet of life. Democracy is built brick by brick, patiently, and we learn as we do that.”

Motlanthe dismissed concerns of the ANC being tainted by corruption allegations, saying the ruling party does not allow guilty people to hold office.

“There are people who have allegations levelled against them and there are processes that have been established and institutions in place to deal with such elements. The ANC’s position is that once you are attached to these offences of malfeasance in a court of law, you can’t occupy a position in its ranks.”



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