Mmusi Maimane BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane addressing the media at the results operation centre in Midrand.
Image: Thabo Tshabalala
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Build One South Africa (BOSA) leader Mmusi Maimane has suggested that coalition talks be open to the public. 

Speaking to the media at the IEC's results operation centre in Midrand on Saturday, Maimane says coalition talks should be conducted in parliament to allow for transparency.

BOSA has garnered 0.4% of the national vote. Maimane says he has been receiving phone calls from political parties wanting to talk about coalitions.

“I can't hide my call, if you are going create a sense of a government of national unity or any sense of national interest let it be done publicly,” says Maimane, adding parliament would be a good space to meet “because in that space, it's a space of transparency.” 

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