The ANC has lost the majority vote, securing only 159 seats in the National Assembly from 230 seats in 2019.
Image: Anton Scholtz
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The 2024 national elections marked a significant shift in the nation's political landscape as the ANC has lost the majority vote, securing only 159 seats in the National Assembly. This is a significant decrease from the 230 seats it held in the 2019 elections.

The governing party lost 71 seats. The final seat allocation for parliament reflects a profound change in the composition and power balance among political parties.

The EFF also witnessed a decrease in their parliamentary representation in this year's elections. The party secured 39, seats down from 44 in 2019. 

The DA has reinforced its position as the biggest opposition party by recording an increase in its seat count from 84 in 2019 to 87.

The IFP demonstrated resilience and regional strength, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal. The IFP increased its seat count from 14 in 2019 to 17 in 2024.

The MK Party emerged as a significant new contender in the 2024 elections, securing 58 seats in its first electoral outing.

The UDM achieved a slight increase in its parliamentary representation, moving from two seats in 2019 to three seats in 2024.

Several smaller parties have secured representation in the National Assembly, highlighting the diverse and fragmented nature of South Africa's political landscape.

The PAC secured one seat, and the Rise Mzansi, Al Jama-ah and Build One South Africa each secured two seats. 


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