John Steenhuisen, leader of the DA, greets supporters at an election rally in Benoni on May 26.
Image: Reuters/Ihsaan Haffejee
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DA leader John Steenhuisen has hailed the DA's involvement in the formation of a government as a win for the party.

He said this victory was evident in the inroads made by the party over the years, from leading as the official opposition at national level to being in government.

“Thanks to the 3.5-million people who voted for us, the DA will no longer only be an opposition party at national level. Instead, the DA now becomes the second biggest party inside a multiparty national government.”

Steenhuisen said the party has made historical strides before this “significant moment”.

“After polling just 1.7% in the 1994 election, the DA’s predecessor became the official opposition for the first time in 1999. In that year, the party entered provincial government as the junior partner in a coalition in the Western Cape.

“In 2006, the DA became a party of metropolitan government for the first time, through a seven-party coalition in the City of Cape Town. In 2009, the DA won the Western Cape outright and, in 2021, we won new municipalities across the country for the first time while entering coalition governments in more metros.”

The coalition arrangement that saw the DA debut at national government will also manifest in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

“What was once unthinkable when the DA’s predecessor secured only 1.7% of the vote in 1994, has now become a reality. From today [Friday], the DA will co-govern South Africa in a spirit of unity and collaboration.”

After two weeks of negotiations, the DA said it is “looking forward to step up to contribute its unique track record of good, clean and accountable governance to the national project”.

“Phase one is complete and has culminated in the adoption of the statement of intent, which enables the government of national unity (GNU) to elect presiding officers in parliament as well as a president.

“The GNU’s presidential candidate will come from the largest party in the grouping, being President Cyril Ramaphosa.

“After his election today [Friday], President Ramaphosa will exercise his prerogative to appoint his new cabinet from among the members of the GNU, in consultation with the leaders of its constituent parties.”

Steenhuisen said the next phase will involve a lekgotla strategy session to develop a detailed policy agenda, including policy priorities for the GNU.

“It will take years of sustained hard work, perseverance, maturity and co-operation in all sectors of society to get our country back on track, but the DA will be there with you, the people of South Africa, for every step of the way.”


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DA leader John Steenhuisen says the party will co govern in the government of national unity. #SouthAfrica #News
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