Athol Trollip. File photo.
Image: Gallo Images/City Press/Leon Sadiki
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An expanded cabinet under the new ANC/DA+ coalition would undermine public trust in the incoming administration, ActionSA said on Sunday.

The party was reacting to weekend reports that President Cyril Ramaphosa will expand the cabinet currently comprising 30 serving ministers and 36 deputy ministers.

In a statement, ActionSA said any increase would amount to hypocrisy in light of pre-election promises from the key coalition partners to reduce the size of the cabinet.

“ActionSA notes reports suggesting that the ANC/DA+ coalition could be planning to expand the size of an already bloated cabinet which is not only a reversal of President Ramaphosa’s commitment to reduce the number of ministries but also an abrupt U-turn on the DA's commitment to cut down a cabinet they once referred to as a wasteful ‘patronage cabinet’,” ActionSA parliamentary caucus leader Athol Trollip said.

He said with 30 serving ministers and 36 deputy ministers costing taxpayers more than R146m annually in salaries alone, Ramaphosa had no real intention to fulfil the promise he made in February 2018 during the state of the nation address to downsize the cabinet. 

“The hypocrisy of the possible planned expansion marks what we believe to be the first of many compromises that will feature in the term ahead, undoubtedly undermining public trust and further entrenching a culture of political patronage.

“More than anything, this contradicts the very commitments to curb profligacy and the principles of accountability and transparency that both President Ramaphosa and the DA have previously advanced,” Trollip said.


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